Exams are held twice a year ie. June & December. Therefore the best time for candidates to join is Jan/Feb & July/Aug.
For The Parents To Know
Curiosity fosters development if it is solved with correct answers. Encourage your child to ask questions.
Be honest! It’s OK if you are unable to answer all the questions.
Parents are the best role-models for the little ones. Follow what you preach Communication is an effective medium to strengthen the parent child bond.
Be consistent in your disciplining. ‘Yes’ is ‘yes’ today, tomorrow & …same with ‘no’.
Be firm not strict.
Be cool; anger worsens the situation. Calmly repeat the firm command till fulfilled.
Be positive! Avoid using ‘No’ and ‘Don’t’ in daily communication. It needs conscious effort.
Freedom needs guardians! Set limits for time, behavior…
‘How’ is valuable than the ‘What’. Process and not the product of any task hold importance.
Instructions should be short, precise and non – ambiguous.
Curiosity fosters development if it is solved with correct answers. Encourage your child to ask questions.
Set creative thoughts free from confined conventional boundaries.
Encourage out of the box thinking.
Identify and acknowledge your child’s feelings correctly.
Expression of emotions is the key to a healthy mind, body and spirit. Encourage expressions of feelings.
Expression is better than suppression of emotions. Avoid bottling up!
Anger is a positive emotion; if expressed appropriately.
Get into your child shoes. Empathise and not sympathise. Edify your child with the art of empathizing.