Exams are held twice a year ie. June & December. Therefore the best time for candidates to join is Jan/Feb & July/Aug.

Summer Camp( 10 may to 20 June) Timings:
8 am to 11am morning 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm evening

Speak Well: A specially designed model of spoken English for mother's, father's , executives and students .
Maths Guru: Lets remove the FEAR of facing the maths paper with cold hands and pale bodies.

Timings: 4pm to 6pm. Monday to Saturday

Nursery Teacher Training

Females wanting to pursue or build a career in the field of Education and Teaching can join the Nursery Teachers training Course at Bloomingdale , earning for themselves a Diploma in Childhood Education & Applied Psychology .

Females with Basic qualification of 10 +2 will have to undergo an on campus training of 5 months to familiarize themselves with Kindergarten Teaching + Weekend Classes for coverage of Course Syllabus. Of the 5 months training, candidate will be paid a basic stipend according to deliverance and class performance from the 4th month onwards.

Females with Basic Graduation/PG will have to undergo an On Campus training of 4 months to familiarize themselves with Kindergarten teaching + Weekend Classes for coverage of Course Syllabus .Of the 4 months training , candidate will be paid a basic stipend according to deliverance and class performance from the 3rd month onwards .

Exams are held twice a year ie. June & December. Therefore the best time for candidates to join is Jan/Feb & July/Aug. After the successful completion of the training (On campus) and the Course module (1 yr) the Candidate would be issued a certificate of working at Bloomingdale (The Kindergarten Specialist) + Diploma in Childhood Education & Applied Psychology