Exams are held twice a year ie. June & December. Therefore the best time for candidates to join is Jan/Feb & July/Aug.

Summer Camp( 10 may to 20 June) Timings:
8 am to 11am morning 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm evening

Speak Well: A specially designed model of spoken English for mother's, father's , executives and students .
Maths Guru: Lets remove the FEAR of facing the maths paper with cold hands and pale bodies.

Timings: 4pm to 6pm. Monday to Saturday

Grow To Bloom Curriculum

Grow to bloom curriculum

The innovative compilation of the “Grow to Bloom” curriculum is the sum of all hardwork and experience of Early Childhood professionals who have infused their energies and expertise to ensure high quality learning standards and outcomes.
The curriculum for 2 to 5 year old children is quite challenging with activities that engage children in higher level thinking , exploration and language development.